Father's Journey
With this Journey, we aim to lead and equip men to become the major pillar of the family. When men learn how to nurture their children, to love and respect their spouse, they will be able to build harmonious and wholesome families.
“Every father should remember one day his son will follow his example, not his advice.”
-Charles Kettering, a Father
Better Dad’s workshop
The “Better Dad’s workshop” was successfully rolled out in Taiwan helping thousands of men to become more successful and joyful dads. It was developed with reference to the book “Be a Better Dad Today” by Hon. Gregory Slayton. Through a series of interactive and fun programs and activities, the experiential workshop trained men to build stronger and happier families. After attending the workshop, many problem marriages and parent and children relationships have been turned around. Led by our Board member Mr. Adolf Cheung and Mr. Desmond Lai, the 10-workshop program is rolled out to the Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship of HK.
To buy "Be a Better Dad today", click below.

Our future
In view of the current COVID-19 situation, we are planning to continue our Better Dad’s workshop through Zoom or other media so that our brothers can continue to learn how to be a better dad through the materials, sharing and fellowship. Our target will focus on FGB and other potential network.
Contact us if you are interested in partnering with us or participating!